
This blog’s tagline is adapted from the Emacs Org-Mode motto. It seemed appropriate, as I seem to have spent most of my life writing novels and short stories (of which you can find out more at tonyballantyne.com) or teaching computer coding.

I’ve amassed a lot of material over the years, and I wanted to share it with people who may not have had the same access to education as people living in my country are lucky enough to have. If you want to change the world, become a teacher.

As the the teaching of coding seems to be coming back into fashion, I’ve also included my thoughts on the pedagogy of this subject.

All comments are gratefully received.

I’m experimenting with Obsidian Publish: https://publish.obsidian.md/tonyballantyne/Publish/Home+Page

No Charge, No Adverts – however be aware that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you’d like to show your appreciation, please follow me on Twitter @TonyBallantyne

All Materials Copyright (c) Tony Ballantyne 2023