7: More Collections: Return to Lisp Problems

These problems were inspired by the 99 Lisp problems. Lisp is a very different language to Java; its use of lists means it’s not appropriate to emulate all the original problems in Java, however, there is some benefit in practising the use of Java collections.

The introduction of lambda functions in Java8 made me rethink how best to approach these problems. There are three things being practised here: collections, generics and lambdas. I’ve split up the questions so that they give a chance to practice these different skills.

1 Last Item

Find the last item in an List of String objects

1.1 Example

1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "fork", "spoon"));
2: System.out.println(lastItem(myList));
3:  *** Output ***
4: spoon

2 Last Item Generic

Find the last item in a Generic List

2.1 Example

1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "fork", "spoon"));
2: List<Integer> anotherList = new ArrayList<>(asList(1,2,3));
3: System.out.println(gLastItem(myList));
4: System.out.println(gLastItem(anotherList));
5:  *** Output ***
6: spoon
7: 3

3 Last But One

Find the last but one item in a List

3.1 Example

1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "fork", "spoon"));
2: System.out.println(lastButOneItem(myList));
3:  *** Output ***
4: fork

4 Iterate through the Elements of a List

Iterate through the Elements of a List, printing them out in turn

4.1 Example

1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "fork", "spoon"));
2: System.out.println(printEach(myList));
3:  *** Output ***
4: knife
5: fork
6: spoon

5 Eliminate consecutive duplicates from a List

Write a method that removes consecutive duplicates from a List. The order of the elements should not be changed.

5.1 Example

1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "knife", "fork", "spoon","spoon"));
2: printEach(removeDuplicates(myList));
3:  *** Output ***
4: knife
5: fork
6: spoon

6 Eliminate consecutive duplicates from a List using HashSet

Remembering that a HashSet cannot contain duplicates, repeat the above question using a HashSet

6.1 Example

1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "knife", "fork", "spoon","spoon"));
2: printEach(removeDuplicates(myList));
3:  *** Output ***
4: knife
5: fork
6: spoon

Remembering that a HashSet cannot contain duplicates


Run-length encoding of a list. Consecutive duplicates of elements are encoded as pairs where N is the number of duplicates of the element E.

Use this Pair class

 1: class Pair<T>
 2:    {
 3:        int count;
 4:        T value;
 6:        Pair(int count, T value) 
 7:        {
 8:        this.count = count;
 9:        this.value = value;
10:        }
12:        void print()
13:        {
14:        System.out.print("("+ count + ", " + value +") ");
15:        }
16:    } 

7.1 Example

1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "knife", "fork", "spoon","spoon"));
2:  List<Pair> rle = RLE(myList);
3:  for (Pair r: rle)
4:  {
5:      r.print();
6:  }
7:  System.out.println("");
8:  *** Output ***
9: (2, knife) (1, fork) (2, spoon)

8 Decode a run-length encoded list

Given a run-length code list generated in a previous problem, construct its uncompressed version.

8.1 Example

 1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "knife", "fork", "spoon","spoon"));
 2:     List<Pair> rle = RLE(myList);
 3:     for (Pair r: rle)
 4:     {
 5:         r.print();
 6:     }
 7:     System.out.println("");
 9:     List<Object> decoded = decodeRLE(rle);
11:     for (Object o: decoded)
12:     {
13:         System.out.println(o);
14:     }
15:  *** Output ***
16: (2, knife) (1, fork) (2, spoon) 
17: knife
18: knife
19: fork
20: spoon
21: spoon

9 Duplicate the elements of a list

9.1 Example

 1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "knife", "fork", "spoon","spoon"));
 2: printEach(dupli(myList));
 3:  *** Output ***
 4: knife
 5: knife
 6: knife
 7: knife
 8: fork
 9: fork
10: spoon
11: spoon
12: spoon
13: spoon

10 Replicate the elements of a list a given number of times

10.1 Example

 1: List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(asList("knife", "knife", "fork", "spoon","spoon"));
 2: printEach(repli(myList,3));
 3:  *** Output ***
 4: knife
 5: knife
 6: knife
 7: knife
 8: knife
 9: knife
10: fork
11: fork
12: fork
13: spoon
14: spoon
15: spoon
16: spoon
17: spoon
18: spoon

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