Repeating Commands

Repeating Commands

C-x z   Repeats the last command.  Hitting z repeatedly keeps on repeating that command.

Once you know this trick, many other apparently complicated Emacs commands suddenly become clear. For example, why is the command to widen a window the extremely time consuming C-x }? That takes four keypresses on my keyboard, as I have to hold down shift to access the }. Surely it’s faster to use a mouse?
Not if you remember C-x z. Try it now:

C-x 3   Split into two vertical windows
C-x }   Widen the window one space
C-x z   Repeat the last command.  Now hit z until the window is wide enough.

Granted, this is still pretty complicated at first sight. If you’ve stumbled across this page whilst looking for something else you’re probably wondering why on Earth anyone would want to use Emacs, but that’s to miss the point. C-x z is another useful command that you can chain together with others to produce new results.

Whilst we’re here, here’s some useful window commands to remember

C-x -   Shrink the window to the size of the buffer text, if it's smaller
C-x +   Make windows the same size
C-x 4 0 Kill buffer and window
C-M-v   Scroll other window down
S-C-M-v Scroll other window up


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