– More Collections: Return to Lisp Problems Solutions

1 Last Item

Find the last item in an List of String objects

1.1 Solution

1: String lastItem(List<String> a)
2: {
3:     return  a.get(a.size()-1);
4: }

2 Last Item Generic

Find the last item in a Generic List

2.1 Solution

1: Object gLastItem(List<?> a)
2: {
3:     return  a.get(a.size()-1);
4: }

3 Last But One

Find the last but one item in a List

3.1 Solution

1: Object lastButOneItem(List<?> a)
2: {
3:     if (a.size() > 1) 
4:  return  a.get(a.size()-2);
5:     else  
6:  return "List too small";
7: }

4 Iterate through the Elements of a List

Iterate through the Elements of a List, printing them out in turn

4.1 Solution

1: void printEach(List<?> a)
2: {
3:     for (Object e: a)
4:     {
5:  System.out.println(e);
6:     }        
7: }

or using a stream

1: void streamPrintEach(List<?> list)
2: {
3:     list
4:  .stream()
5:  .forEach(System.out::println);
7: }

5 Eliminate consecutive duplicates from a List.

Write a method that removes consecutive duplicates from a List. The order of the elements should not be changed.

5.1 Solution

1: List<?> removeDuplicates(List<?> a)
2: {
3:     for (int i = 0; i<a.size()-1; i++)
4:     {
5:  if(a.get(i) == a.get(i+1)) a.remove(a.get(i));        
6:     }
7:     return a;
8: }

6 Eliminate consecutive duplicates from a List using HashSet

Remembering that a HashSet cannot contain duplicates, repeat the above question using a HashSet

6.1 Solution

1: HashSet<String> hashRemoveDuplicates(List<String> a)
2: {
3:     HashSet<String> hSet = new HashSet<String>(a);
4:     return hSet;
5: }


Run-length encoding of a list. Consecutive duplicates of elements are encoded as pairs where N is the number of duplicates of the element E.

Note this solution uses the Pair class, defined in the question

7.1 Solution

 1: List<Pair> RLE(List<?> list)
 2: {
 3:     List<Pair> encoded = new ArrayList<Pair>();
 4:     for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
 5:     {
 6:     int runLength = 1;
 7:     while (i < list.size() -1 && list.get(i) == list.get(i+1))
 8:     {
 9:         runLength++;
10:         i++;
11:     }
13:      Pair<Object> pair = new Pair<Object>(runLength, list.get(i));
14:      encoded.add(pair);
15:     }
16:     return encoded;
18: }

8 Decode a run-length encoded list

Given a run-length code list generated in a previous problem, construct its uncompressed version.

Note this solution uses the Pair class, defined in the question

8.1 Solution

 1: List<Object> decodeRLE(List<Pair> list)
 2: {
 4:     List<Object> decoded = new ArrayList<Object>();
 5:     for (Pair pair: list)
 6:     {
 7:     for (int i =0; i<(int)pair.count; i++)
 8:     {
 9:         decoded.add(pair.value);
10:     }
11:     }
13:     return decoded;
14: }

9 Duplicate the elements of a list

9.1 Solution

 1: List<String> dupli(List<String> list)
 2: {
 3:     List<String> dup = new ArrayList<String>();
 5:     for(String s: list)
 6:     {
 7:     dup.add(s);
 8:     dup.add(s);
 9:     }
11:     return dup;
12: }

or, using a stream

1: List<String> streamDupli(List<String> list)
2: {
3:     List<String> dupli = list
4:              .stream()
5:              .collect(Collectors.toList());
7:     return dupli;        
9: }

10 Replicate the elements of a list a given number of times

10.1 Solution

 1: List<String> repli(List<String> list, int num)
 2: {
 3:     List<String> rep = new ArrayList<String>();
 5:     for(String s: list)
 6:     {
 7:     for (int i=0; i<num; i++)
 8:     {
 9:         rep.add(s);
10:     }
11:     }
13:     return rep;
14: }

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