– Loop Solutions

1:  package nnloops;
  3:  import java.util.Scanner;
  5:  public class NNLoops {
  7:      NNLoops()
  8:      {
  9:          //oneToTen();
 10:          //oddNumbers();
 11:          //squareNumbers();
 12:          //random4();
 13:          //even(20);
 14:          //powers(8);
 15:          //areWeThereYet();
 16:          //triangle();
 17:          //tableSquare();
 18:          tableSquares(6);
 20:      }
 22:      void oneToTen()
 23:      {
 24:          for(int i=1; i <11; i++)
 25:          {
 26:              System.out.println(i);
 27:          }
 28:      }
 30:      void oddNumbers()
 31:      {
 32:          for (int i=1; i<20; i+=2)
 33:          {
 34:              System.out.println(i);
 35:          }
 36:      }
 38:      void squareNumbers()
 39:      {
 40:          for (int i=1; i<11; i++)
 41:          {
 42:              System.out.println(i*i);
 43:          }
 44:      }
 46:      void random4()
 47:      {
 48:          for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
 49:          {
 50:              System.out.println((int)(Math.random()*10)+1);
 51:          }
 52:      }
 54:      void even(int n)
 55:      {
 56:          for (int i=1; i<n; i+=2)
 57:          {
 58:              System.out.println(i);
 59:          }
 60:      }
 62:      void powers (int n)
 63:      {
 64:          for (int i =1; i<=n; i++)
 65:          {
 66:              System.out.println(Math.pow(2, i));
 67:          }
 68:      }
 70:      void areWeThereYet()
 71:      {
 72:          Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
 73:          do
 74:          {
 75:              System.out.println("Are we there yet?");
 76:          } while(!scan.nextLine().equals("Yes"));
 77:          System.out.println("Good!");
 78:      }
 80:      void triangle()
 81:      {
 82:          for(int i = 0; i<6; i++)
 83:          {
 84:              for (int j= 0; j<i; j++)
 85:              {
 86:                  System.out.print("*");
 87:              }
 88:              System.out.println("");
 89:          }
 90:      }
 92:      void tableSquare()
 93:      {
 94:          for(int i = 1; i<=4; i++)
 95:          {
 96:              for (int j=1; j<=4; j++)
 97:              {
 98:                  System.out.print("|"+ i*j +"\t");
 99:              }
100:              System.out.println("|");
102:          }
103:      }
105:      void tableSquares(int n)
106:      {
107:          for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++)
108:          {
109:              for (int j=1; j<=n; j++)
110:              {
111:                  System.out.print("|"+ i*j +"\t");
112:              }
113:              System.out.println("|");
115:          }
116:      }
119:      public static void main(String[] args) {
120:         new NNLoops();
121:      }
122:  }

2: Loops

2.1 1 to 10

Write a method that prints the numbers 1 to 10

2.1.1 Example

 1:  oneToTen()
 2:   *** Output ***
 3:  1
 4:  2
 5:  3
 6:  4
 7:  5
 8:  6
 9:  7
10:  8
11:  9
12:  10

2.2 Odd Numbers

Write a method that prints the positive odd numbers less than 20

2.2.1 Example

 1:  oddNumbers()
 2:   *** Output ***
 3:  1
 4:  3
 5:  5
 6:  7
 7:  9
 8:  11
 9:  13
10:  15
11:  17
12:  19

2.3 Square Numbers

Write a method that prints the square numbers up to 100

2.3.1 Example

 1:  squares()
 2:   *** Output ***
 3:  1
 4:  4
 5:  9
 6:  16
 7:  25
 8:  36
 9:  49
10:  64
11:  81
12:  100

2.4 Random Numbers

Write a for loop to print out four random integers between 1 and 10

2.4.1 Example

1:  random4()
2:   *** Output ***
3:  3
4:  5
5:  2
6:  8

2.5 Even Numbers < n

Write a method to print out the positive even numbers less than n

2.5.1 Example

 1:  even(20)
 2:   *** Output ***
 3:  2
 4:  4
 5:  6
 6:  8
 7:  10
 8:  12
 9:  14
10:  16
11:  18

2.6 Powers of 2

Write a method to print out the powers of 2 from 21 up to 2n

2.6.1 Example

 1:  powers(8)
 2:   *** Output ***
 3:  2
 4:  4
 5:  8
 6:  16
 7:  32
 8:  64
 9:  128
10:  256

2.7 Are we there yet?

Write a program that outputs “Are we there yet?” and then waits for input. If the input is “Yes” the program outputs “Good!” and exits, otherwise the program loops.

2.7.1 Example

1:  "Are we there yet?"
2:  No
3:  "Are we there yet?"
4:  Spoons
5:  "Are we there yet?"
6:  Yes
7:  Good!

2.8 Triangle

Write a method that uses nested loops to produce the following pattern

1:  triangle()
2:   *** Output ***
3:  *
4:  **
5:  ***
6:  ****
7:  *****

2.9 Table Square

Write a method that prints out a 4 x 4 table square

2.9.1 Example

1:  tableSquare()
2:   *** Output ***
3:  A 4 x 4 table square
4:  | 1 | 2 |  3 |  4 |
5:  | 1 | 2 |  3 |  4 |
6:  | 2 | 4 |  6 |  8 |
7:  | 3 | 6 |  9 | 12 |
8:  | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 |

2.10 Table Squares

Extend your answer to the last question produce a method that will print out a n x n table square

2.10.1 Example

 1:  tableSquares(6)
 2:   *** Output ***
 3:  A 6 x 6 table square
 4:  | 1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |
 5:  | 2 |  4 |  6 |  8 | 10 | 12 |
 6:  | 3 |  6 |  9 | 12 | 15 | 18 |
 7:  | 4 |  8 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 24 |
 8:  | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 |
 9:  | 6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30 | 36 |

1: How to Answer These Questions

Write methods to solve all of the questions. Here are two example questions and their solutions. Notice that the first method prints a value, the second method returns a value.

1.1 Hello <Name>

Write a method that accepts a name as a parameter and prints out “Hello ” <name>

1.1.1 Example

1:  hello("Kim")
2:   *** Output ***
3:  Hello Kim

1.2 Average of two numbers

Write a method that accepts two numbers and returns the average of the two numbers.

1.2.1 Example

1:  System.out.println(average(3,4));
2:   *** Output ***
3:  3.5

1.3 Solutions

 1:  public class NinetyNine {
 3:      NinetyNine()
 4:      {
 5:          hello("Kim");
 6:          System.out.println(average(3,4));
 7:      }
 9:      void hello(String s)
10:      {
11:          System.out.println("Hello " + s);
12:      }
14:      double average(double x, double y)
15:      {
16:          return (x+y)/2;
17:      }
19:      public static void main(String[] args)
20:      {
21:          new NinetyNine();
22:      }
23:  }