Python Course 6: String Handling

Sample Code

s = "This is a sample string"
print("It contains this many characters: ", len(s))
print("Here it is in upper case...")
print("Here it is split into a list:")
words = s.split()
for word in words:
print("Here it is split by the letter \'a\'")
words = s.split("a")
for word in words:
print("Here's the characters from index 1 to 3")
print("Here's the sample string with the letter s changed to z")
print("And now with the letter s changed to sausage...")
print("And now with the spaces removed...")
print(s.replace(" ",""))
print("Notice the original string is unchanged... ")


  1. Output the length of the String “I never saw a purple cow”
  2. Convert the String “I never saw a purple cow” to uppercase and output the resulting string.
  3. Use \n to create a string that prints out the words to Happy Birthday. Make it yourself (Happy Birthday dear Kevin). Print out the string
  4. Use the replace method to print out the words to Happy Birthday, this time for Mr Lightfoot
  5. Output the String “I never saw a purple cow” as a list of separate words.
  6. Output the initial letters of the String “I never saw a purple cow”
  7. Prompt the user to enter a String. Output a list of the initial letters of the words input. Example: input “British Broadcasting Corporation” output “B”,”B”,”C”.


  1. Prompt the user to enter a String. Output a String with the vowels replaced with *’s. Example: input “I never saw a purple cow” output “* n*v*r s*w * p*rpl* c*w”
  2. Prompt the user to enter a string. Output the string as separate words in alternate upper and lower case: SO it LOOKS like THIS example
  3. Output the following list as one String: words = [“Calling”, “occupants”, “of”, “interplanetary”, “craft”]
  4. Prompt the user to enter a string. Output the number of vowels in the String.
  5. A palindrome is a string that reads the same forwards and backwards. Examples are “radar” and “rotavator”. Write a program that accepts a String as input and outputs “Palindrome” if the String is a palindrome, and “Not Palindrome” otherwise.

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