Adventure Game 3: Take and Drop Objects

We added objects to the game in the last lesson. Now we’re going to add code to allow the user to take and drop objects

Copy and paste the following code into your IDE

places = ["A clearing in a forest", "An old wooden cabin", "A dark cave"]
moves = [{"n": 1, "s": 2},           {"s": 0},              {"n": 0}]
objects = {"spanner":0,  "lockpick":0, "spade":2}
location = 0

def print_objects():
    for key, val in objects.items():
        if val == location:

def Main():
    ans = ""
    global location

    while ans != "bye":
        ans = input("What now?")
        words = ans.split()

        # Check if it's a move
        if len(words) == 1:
            if ans in moves[location]:
                location = moves[location].get(ans)
                print("I can't move that way")
            verb = words[0] # e.g. Take or Drop
            noun = words[1] # e.g. hammer or spanner
            if verb == "take":
                for key, val in objects.items():
                    if key == noun and val == location:
                        print("Got it!")
                        objects[noun] = 99
            if verb == "drop":
                for key, val in objects.items():
                    if key ==noun and val == 99:
                        print("Dropped ", noun)
                        objects[noun] = location



  1. Run the game. Take the spanner and drop it in the cave. Check that everything is working correctly.
  2. Add a spoon to the list of objects. Place the spoon in the cave. Check that you can Take it and Drop it.
  3. What happens if you enter “take elephant?”
  4. Look at the line words = ans.split() in the Main() function. What does it do? (try experimenting with the code in IDLE if you’re unsure)
  5. Look at the if statement in the Main() function: if len(words) == 1: Why was that code included?
  6. Look at the statement if verb == "take": What do key and val mean in the for loop?
  7. What is the purpose of the for loop?
  8. What is the purpose of the line 'objects[noun] == 99'
  9. Look at the if verb = "drop" statement. Why does the for loop check if key = noun and val == 99?

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